I samverkan med Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping


Förändringsbara och rekonfigurerbara produktionssystem

Distansutbildning som ges av Jönköping University, Gjuterigatan 5.

Start måndagen den 13 januari

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I samverkan med Tekniska Högskolan i Jönköping
Förändringsbara och rekonfigurerbara produktionssystem
Distansutbildning som ges av Jönköping University, Gjuterigatan 5.
Start måndagen den 13 januari

Undervisningen bedrivs på engelska – därför är även utbildningsbeskrivningen på engelska.

The purpose of the course is to build competence in design and development about changeable production systems to provide efficient production to better deal with variations in e.g. product types and volumes. The course focuses on changeable, reconfigurable and flexible production concepts and production solutions.Kursinnehåll
The course covers development of changeable and reconfigurable manufacturing, in order to enable efficient production of high variety/customization of products, rapid introduction of new products, as well as variations in product volumes.

The course includes the following elements:

– Introduction to changeable, reconfigurable, and flexible manufacturing concepts
– Fundamentals of changeability and reconfigurability
– Product and production platforms and co-development
– Changeable production system design and development
– Economic evaluations of changeability concepts
– Virtual support for designing changeable and reconfigurable concepts
– Assessment of readiness and current level of implementation of changeability
– Joint configuration of products and productionFörkunskapskrav

The applicant must hold the minimum of a bachelor’s degree (ie. the equivalent of 180 ECTS credits at an accredited university) with at least 90 credits in Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering and Management or Civil Engineering or equivalent, and 15 credits Mathematics. English Language requirements corresponding to English 6 in the Swedish upper secondary school (or the equivalent). The applicant must also have 1 year of qualified work experience. It is possible to apply for exemption from a bachelor’s degree and 15 credits Mathematics if the applicant has at least 5 years of qualified work experience.

Kursen innefattar tre fysiska träffar i Jönköping. Resten sker på distans där deltagaren följer videoföreläsningar, onlinediskussioner med mera via länk på valfri plats.

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Utbildningen ges inom ramen av projektet UDI – Nästa generations drivlinor.

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