New project gives power to ASSAR - the knowledge node for electric drive systems manufacturing

The project “ReactEU Energy Storage & Power Electronics”, starting in June 2021, is granted funding by the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth through the React EU program with additional co-funding from the Västra Götaland region.

The project further develops the technical laboratory in ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena and thereby strengthens Skövde and Skaraborg’s position as a nationally significant node in the manufacture of electric powertrains.

The investment broadens the existing technical laboratory in ASSAR to include more complete electric drive systems and creates a knowledge base within testing and verification of production methods as well as research on production systems in different parts of the value chain. The knowledge is relevant to the entire cluster of manufacturing companies, subcontractors, and technology companies located in the region.

– This initiative provides an opportunity for continued development of valuable knowledge in the manufacture of electric drivelines in the region, says Caroline Johansson Thim, project manager and head of Industrial Development Programs, IDC West Sweden AB.

Ensures an established production of electric powertrains in the region

The project gives strength to the region’s small and medium-sized manufacturing industrial companies and technology companies by contributing to knowledge about the technology shift to environmentally favorable drivelines in the automotive industry that is now taking place. In the long term, the goal is to secure production of electric powertrains in the region and long-term employment in the automotive industry and its supply chain.

– For the companies in the region, this is an important piece of the puzzle that allows more people to be active in the energy transformation the whole society is going through. The project creates new opportunities for small and medium-sized companies to collaborate and develop new solutions in symbiosis with the larger companies, says Leif Pehrsson, CEO, IDC West Sweden AB.

Builds capacity and integrates throughout the value chain

The knowledge created within the project comes from the region’s manufacturing industry and technology companies in part through collaboration in the open lab environment in ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena and through workshops and seminars.

The project provides increased knowledge in:
  • Technology, production and circularity regarding electric drivelines with a focus on energy storage & power electronics:
  • important applications in electricity networks / distribution, and charging infrastructure
  • the opportunities with AI, methods of manufacturing & verification.
  • subcontractors’ current situation and value chain integration.
  • support for decisions regarding feasibility of manufacturing.
Collaborative project linked to ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena

The project is managed by IDC West Sweden AB in collaboration with the University of Skövde and Science Park Skövde AB as a part of the ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena in Skövde, a meeting place where education, innovation and research provide new solutions for industry. Volvo Lastvagnar AB and Powertrain Engineering Sweden AB are co-funding the project in kind. Through focused research and development of production processes, ASSAR is a “Center of Excellence”, an arena for research processes and development collaborations between manufacturers, academic partners and component suppliers.

Open press release as PDF

IDC West Sweden AB is a regional development company that works to strengthen the competitiveness of Skaraborg’s manufacturing industry for a sustainable future industry. The company has 26 employees and is owned by about approximately 160 small and medium-sized industrial companies. The company is run without its own profit interest – all possible profit is reinvested in the business. The initiatives are based on help for self-help with funding from, among others, the European Regional Development Fund, the European Social Fund, the Västra Götaland region, Skaraborg Local Government Association, Skövde Municipality, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and Vinnova.

ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena in Skövde is a meeting place where education, innovation and research provide new solutions for industry. The initiators are Science Park Skövde AB, the University of Skövde, IDC West Sweden AB, Volvo Car Corporation and the Volvo Group. ASSAR is part of the innovation environment Science Park Skövde.

Go to ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arenas webb

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