Projects and ventures
IDC West Sweden is a development company for people in the manufacturing industry in Skaraborg. Our mission is to strengthen the competitiveness and profitability of the manufacturing industry in Skaraborg.
As co-workers of IDC, we run a number of exciting projects focussing on different areas such as, development, the environment, circular economy, digitalisation, materials, product development, strategic competence provision, re-cycling and social sustainability.
Through our projects, we can offer a unique breadth in our support of the manufacturing industry in Skaraborg in general and our partner companies in particular. We are close to research and development through our collaboration with the University of Skövde and our strategic placement at Science Park Skövde. We run both regional and national networks.

Industry In West
Industry In West supports companies in the transition toward a long-term sustainable industry based on new conditions in the external environment.
Companies are coached to take steps in maturity levels within four prioritized focus areas.
Innovation for Sustainable Transition
Future products will be designed to meet market and societal needs, and technological and digital advancements will be leveraged to achieve reduced resource usage.

Kompetensnavet Skaraborg
The Competence Hub supports and coordinates efforts for competence transition in Skaraborg.
The Competence Hub aims to facilitate the transition in the workforce by ensuring opportunities for lifelong learning and skill development, with a particular focus on those employed in the manufacturing industry.
The Production Boost is a comprehensive national program initiated by Teknikföretagen and IF Metall in 2006.
The aim is to increase productivity, competitiveness, and development capability in the Swedish industry, thereby strengthening the conditions for profitable production in Sweden.

The project focuses on extending the lifespan of machining equipment in the Swedish automotive industry through smarter technical solutions.
This initiative is a spinoff from the Next-Generation Driveline Production UDI Step 3 project, with an established network that, in certain aspects, can and should continue its involvement in this project to develop and implement reconfiguration and circularity.
Yrkestrainee Skaraborg
The project aims to enhance students’ interaction with the professional environment during their education by incorporating elements of courses into workplace settings.
“The project aims to enhance students’ interaction with the professional environment during their education by incorporating elements of courses into workplace settings.
The educational framework will be developed during the project period, in close collaboration with partner companies.

Industriell Dynamik
Your own advisor and practical support.
Industrial Dynamics is a resource for technological and business development aimed at small and medium-sized industrial companies in the Region of Västra Götaland. Networks offers free needs analysis and contact with experts within the right area.
Contact with networks is useful, for example, by identifying problems or showing the way forward. IDC West Sweden AB is one of fourteen member organisations with experts within various areas.
Next generation powertrain production
Part of Vinnova’s program Challenge-driven Innovation, step 3 – implementation.
The automotive industry is in the middle of a technology shift towards electric powertrains. One of the big challenges to remain competitive in the technology change is to be able to cost-effectively convert existing production to the production of new powertrains.

Completed projects
Over the years, IDC has completed a number of projects, amongst others, Kompetensnavet, Hållbar industriell utveckling and Möbelbruket.