Seminarium: Digitala modeller och virtuell simulering av människan i produktionen
Tisdagen den 27 september kl. 10:00-13:00
ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena

Lama's engineering project led to job at Volvo
As a Bachelor’s Degree Project in Production and Electrical Engineering at the University of Skövde, Lama Awawda an exchange student…
25 November, 2021 — Reading time 2 min

Skaraborg’s industrial knowledge helps Ljusgårda to grow
Ljusgårda in Tibro is engaged in state-of-the-art indoor cultivation. The company has a climate-certified facility that can control air, light…
30 September, 2021 — Reading time 1 min

New project gives power to ASSAR - the knowledge node for electric drive systems manufacturing
The project “ReactEU Energy Storage & Power Electronics”, starting in June 2021, is granted funding by the Swedish Agency for…
29 June, 2021 — Reading time 3 min