Lama's engineering project led to job at Volvo

As a Bachelor’s Degree Project in Production and Electrical Engineering at the University of Skövde, Lama Awawda an exchange student from Spain, designed an electric motor. The results were impressive. International companies have shown interest in employing her and she is now moving to Sweden to work as a design engineer.

Lama Awawda explains that she is specifically interested in electrical motors and renewable energy. It was the obvious area to focus on and do research about in her engineering project.

Built a prototype at ASSAR

On the second semester at the University of Skövde Lama Awawda began working on the project which deals with the design, analysis, assembly and tests of the motor. But of course the work started with collecting information and doing a lot of research about electrical motors before she began working with the actual design. Once she had the final design she built a prototype at ASSAR Industrial innovation Arena in Skövde, which works closely with both the University and industries such as Volvo.

– I will never forget the professional experience I met at ASSAR and the help I got with the prototype as finding the right material. I am also very grateful to the University Library for all help I got and of course for the support and encouragement I got from my supervisor and my class.

Lama Awawda.

Amazing results

When the motor prototype was built, she did various tests to verify its performance. And the results were amazing.

– Yes, the results are really good as the efficiency is calculated to 98,88 percent.

Lama Awawdas Bachelor´s project was qualified with the highest grade and her prototype will now be used at the University of Skövde when educating engineering students.

Moving to Sweden for a job at Volvo Cars in Gothenburg

Lama Awawda is back in Spain and she has started an Open YouTube channel and Instagram account to give engineering courses online, but in a couple of months’ time she will begin working as a design engineer, in Sweden. She is surprised that information about her project has reached various international companies and led to job offers. Volvo Cars in Gothenburg had heard about her Bachelor´s project and wanted to meet her.

– I was offered a job as a design engineer and it is like a dream coming true, thanks to the University of Skövde and ASSAR. I love Sweden and my husband and I will move to Gothenburg in January.

Read the entire interview with Lama

Lama has summarized her project on behalf of the project Next generation powertrain production.

Read the summary of the project

Read Lamas entire project


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