Grand Opening of ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena

On 2nd March 2018, the actual physical environment of ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena was inaugurated and with this the region now has a world-leading intregrated physical and virtual development environment for research, technological development, innovation and education.

”ASSAR is a meeting place in which anyone working within the manufacturing industry and technological companies can find relevant contacts. Here you can take part in activities that will enhance your company at the same time as your company will contribute with its own expertise. In ASSAR’s physical environment, you will be able to look at new technology, new research and new solutions for industry,” says Tobias Björck, Co-ordinator of ASSAR.

Platform for knowledge exchange

The arena is part of Gothia Science Park and is a platform for the exchange of knowledge between national and international companies, knowledge nodes and institutes. The initiators of this project include the University of Skövde, Gothia Science Park, IDC West Sweden AB, Volvo Cars and the Volvo Group. The initiators have kept in close contact previously but now they have a physical platform.

”ASSAR is to provide more industrial and technological companies with the opportunity to participate in development and research activities. It is important to emphasise that that this venture targets all companies, both large and small, irrespective of technological development. It will facilitate the transfer of knowledge between companies,” according to Tobias Björck.

The physical development premises for ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena, which are shared with Balthazar Science Center, are situated in Skövde, a short walk from Skövde Travel Centre. The address is 2B Kavelbrovägen.

The initiators’ view of the venture

”With the help of ASSAR, the University of Skövde’s researchers now have an arena for co-production and the utilization of new knowledge together with the manufacturing industry. This two-way exchange of knowledge will help strengthen the University’s industrial educational programmes and research within modelling, simulation, optimisation and knowledge extraction. ASSAR will, therefore, develop both the academy and industry and help bring about that Sweden, even in the future, can be a leading research and industrial nation” says Lars Niklasson, Vice Chancellor of the University of Skövde.

”We are happy to be part of this venture. ASSAR will give us the opportunity to connect our plant in Skövde with other companies and with the University of Skövde to share knowledge and experience when it comes to new technology” says Jan Ohlsson, Executive Vice President of Volvo GTO

”At Volvo Cars we realise that progress demands the participation of all relevant participants. That is why we are focusing on both private and public partnership to enhance a sustainable business environment” says Javier Varela, Senior Vice President, Manufacturing and Logistics at Volvo Cars.

”Through ASSAR, the Gothia Science Park will get a strengenthed context for innovation and business development connected to future technological and industrial challenges as well as further development possibilities for start-ups” says Patric Eriksson, Vice President of Gothia Innovation AB.

”With the help of ASSAR Industrial Innovation Arena, the small and medium-sized manufacturing companies will, among other things, get access to world-leading technological and internationally competitive research. There are some challenges for the manufacturing industry but together we will have the prerequisites to transform these challenges into opportunities and get increased competitive strength” says Thomas Nilsson, Vice President of IDC West Sweden AB.

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