Arrangeras av RISE

Projekt | Seminarium

Additive Intelligence 4.0: Conference

The Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre, Gothenburg

12-13 mars, Mässans Gata Göteborg

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Arrangeras av RISE
Additive Intelligence 4.0: Conference
The Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre, Gothenburg
12-13 mars, Mässans Gata Göteborg

We are delighted to welcome you to the fourth edition of Additive Intelligence 4.0, which will take place in March 2024 as part of the Maintenance Trade Fair (Underhållsmässan) at the Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre in Gothenburg.

Embark on an unparalleled experience as the Additive Intelligence 4.0 conference joins forces with the prestigious Maintenance Trade Fair (Underhållsmässan)! As a participant, you can look forward to captivating presentations and discussions delving into the synergies between additive manufacturing and maintenance. Additionally, there will be an associated exhibition and tech-talk area where you can experience the latest advancements in additive manufacturing up close. Welcome!

When? March 12-13, 9-17. Mässans Gata / Korsvägen, Gothenburg, Sweden
Where? The Swedish Exhibition and Congress Centre, Gothenburg
Price? 2 000 SEK.
The price includes a two-day conference, lunches, refreshments, and a conference dinner, as well as access to the Maintenance Trade Fair (4 days).

Boka din plats

Additive Intelligence 4.0 is the result of a close collaboration between the Application Center for Additive Manufacturing at RISE, Svenska Mässan, SVEAT, The Swedish Arena for AM of Metals, AM4Life, and CAM2, with support from Produktion2030, Västra Götalandsregionen and Vinnova.

Om du vill veta mer

Hör av dig till Josef om du vill veta mer.

Chef för Tillämpad Innovation

0500-50 25 25

Josef Adolfsson

Chef för Tillämpad Innovation

Contact details

  • 0500-50 25 25

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